Meet the Team: Jose Sabao, Ambassador

From the sunshine islands, Canary Islands 

The Spanish islands are famous for cycling, and the Canary Islands in particular. Tenerife is a hotbed for cyclists from all around the world, providing perfect training conditions for keen club riders and pro teams alike. Tenerife is also home to our stylish Stickman cycling ambassador, Jose Sabao, a junior athlete who took to cycling aged 13 years and who hasn’t really been off a bike since.  Speaking to Jose, he is passionate about cycling and sports in general, saying that ‘sport gives life,’ and we tend to agree. 

When you consider Jose’s thoughts on sport and what it gives to us, there’s something for everyone in sport: discipline, empathy, effort, self-knowledge, respect, a feeling of self-efficacy, learning, teamwork and above all, healthy living. Here at Stickman, we want to help to guide you and to support you in your own healthy and sports orientated lifestyle – Stickman style.  

Bikes & Rides 

Everyone remembers that first bike. The moment when our eyes lit up in excitement and our hearts danced. For Jose, his was an aluminium VITUS 979, road bike, with a classic Campagnolo groupset – the choice of stylish cyclists. He currently has several bikes – as we suggest all cyclists do 😉 - and rides most often, his BNC SLR 01, a high-performance bike with style – like our Stickman cycle clothing too! 

Being in the Canary Islands, Jose recalls riding his bike as a child, with friends to the beach - something we’d all like to do as adults! His favourite ride these days is to Anaga Rural Park (Tenerife), which is kind of special, being declared a Biosphere Reserve - Anaga Mountains. However, as all cyclists that visit Tenerife find, Mount Teide holds a special place in his heart and is a ride that we at Stickman would certainly recommend.  You can climb its 4 slopes; 2 from the South; Vilaflor and Chio 2 from the North; La Esperanza and Orotava  

For its impressive landscapes, its winding roads and, of course, the climate, as the island enjoys an average annual temperature that ranges between 22° and 25°C. 

Time to Chill  

If you do head to Tenerife over the festive season or take yourself on a sunshine cycling break in the new year, why not chill out post ride in Jose’s favourite café and savour a good ''Barraquito'' Canario coffee... in any terrace in the city center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife - accompanied by good friends. There’s so many great coffee stops to choose from, as you take that obligatory post ride rest.  

And hey, if you are looking to book yourself a cycling trip overseas this winter, and head to the sun, make sure that you ride in style, wrapped in our Stickman ‘art on 2-wheels'. Our unique and limited-edition cycling jerseys and shorts are made from the finest high-performance Italian fabrics.  Jose loves our Stickman ‘Oracle design, and you will too. Or why not try another Jose recommendation, our funky and modern Stickman ‘Bubble Gum’ bib shorts.  

In Jose’s own words: ‘I like the color; as through them we can express emotions, thoughts, feelings and intentions. You can think about what you want to express or communicate through colors,  and think about how choosing a color can positively influence you and the people around you.’ Ultimately, that’s what we’re looking to achieve at Stickman Cycling – to help and to inspire you to free your spirit and and to ride into a sunny future. Why not join the Stickman style revolution and take a trip to Tenerife in 2024. This cycling island and our ambassador, Jose, are waiting to welcome you to Teide!  

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